Homosexuality-Emotonal and physical attraction to the same gender. It is normal, has no known cause and is not an illness.

Bisexuality-Emotional and physical attraction to both genders. It is normal, has no known cause and is not an illness.People in same-sex and straight relationships may be bi-identified and therefor should not be assumed to be gay or straight.

Pansexuality-Emotional and physical attraction to all genders, including gender non-conformists and transgendered people. It is normal, has no known cause and is not an illness.(also known to some as "genderblind")

Heterosexuality-Emotional and physical attraction to different genders. It is normal, has no known cause and is not an illness.

Sexual orientation-Innate attraction towards the same gender, different genders, or all genders. Sexual orientaton is on a continuum and not a set of absolute categories.

Queer-Although this was once a slur used against gay people, it is now a word used by many gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people as a positive umbrella term to describe themselves and all people who do not conform to the cultural norm of their gender. It is newly reclaimed and therefor not universally understood.

Straight-Person who is attracted to different genders. It is the same type of slang description as trans, lesbian, queer, and gay.

Gay-A male identified person attracted to other male identified people. Also used to describe homosexual people in the way humankind is used to describe both men and women. Also used to refer to a culture or community.

Lesbian-A female identified person attracted to other female identified people. some self-identify as "dykes," not lesbians.

Transgender-To cross traditionally accepted gender roles by not looking, acting, being, or identifying as traditionally male or female. This is umbrella term can include transsexuals, cross-dressers, intersex people, drag queens and kings, masculine women, effeminate men, and other gender non-conformists. some people self identify as gender queer. Transgendered people can be gay, lesbian, bi, or heterosexual.

Intersex-a person who is born with a combination of both male and female anatomy.

Sex-One's biological assignment as male, female, or intersexed.

Gender- The sex a person identifies as, regardless of their anatomical sex.

Transsexuality-Having ones "brain sex" or chemical gender-identity be in contrast to ones anatomical sex. some, but not all, transsexual people reshape their bodies with hormones and surgery to make their gender presentation match their identity. Many transsexuals self identify as transgender.

FtM and MtF-Individuals who's gender identity and expression does not correspond to their biological gender. MtF (male to female) refers to an individual who is a biological male but identifies as female. FtM (female to male) refers to an individual who is a biological female but identifies as a male.

Femininity-Gender-role stereotypes, differing from culture to culture. When these roles are arbitrarily assigned, people are denied their individuality or expression. These roles are not innate to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Drag-Literally DRessed As Girl.Shakespearean stage direction when all the roles were acted by men. Directed actor as to charecters costume. Modern usage applies to males who dress in female clothing and females who dress in male clothing. Usually followed by queen (men in drag) or king (women in drag).

Transvestite-An out-of-date description of a heterosexual man who crossdresses for sexual gratification. While this does describe some people, it is a stereotype incorrectly applied to all crossdressers.

Questioning/Experimenting-The process of exploring ones identity, especially sexual and gender identities, often but not nessicarily accompanied by confusion and uncertainty. Can be a life-long process. Experimenting specially refers to behaviors, often sexual, which are not necessarily connected to later identification as LGBTQ.

In the closet-Keeping one's sexual orientation a secret. People may be closeted about being transgender as well.

Coming out-Literally coming out of the closet. In other words, to disclose one's sexual orientation to others.

Homophobia/biphobia/transphobia-The irrational fear of, hatred, or aversion to homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, or people percieved to be LGBTQ. These phobias are prevalent in both the homosexual and heterosexual communities.

Hate language-Terms used within the L/G/B/T communities, but are seen as insults when used by people not in those communities. can include lezzie, lesbo, fag, faggot, dyke, butch, queer, queen, bulldagger, sissy, homo, cock-sucker, rug-muncher, the list goes on...

Heterosexism-The institutional and individual manifestation of the idea that all people are or should be heterosexual and that heterosexuality is inherently superior to and preferable to homosexuality or bisexuality. This assumption thus excludes or invalidates the needs, concerns and life experiances of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender people.

Anrogynous(Andro)-People that consider themselves neither male, nor female, or anything other than that. They self identify as outside of the traditional man-woman system of sexes.

Ze/Zir-The replacement for he/she and him/her when one is unsure of someone's sex and wants not to be offensive by calling them by the wrong pronouns. Ze/Zir can also be used in referance to someone that is andro


+Break the Silence


(Take out the '###')
+(Kai) Main Author
+(Sierra) President